Submit Guest Post

Now you can share your ideas, designs, story on my blog.

For the Designs:

 If you design your dress and you want to share it on my blog then just send me an email with three images of your dress and some short description. After review I will publish this with your name. Send me an  email at reensami123 at gmail dot com . Replace at with @ and dot with .

For Ideas/Story:

Before sending me your content just read these points.

Is your Story/Idea content is unique?
Is your content written in proper English?
Is your content is about "Some thing new in fashion Industry"?
Is your content is about on any latest event in Fashion Industry?
Is your content is about some research on fashion industry and designers?
Is your Content is useful for readers?

If you think your story met my given criteria then send me your content to me with some images.
I will publish your content after reviewing it.

Send me an  email at reensami123 at gmail dot com . Replace at with @ and dot with .

Reen Sami